ServicePal allows you to maintain an updated list of items for sale, including both taxable and non-taxable items. If your company offers Flat Rate pricing, ServicePal also supports that.

This article describes how you can add an item. 

You can also

  1. Import items from Excel
  2. Import products and services from QuickBooks Online
  3. Make adjustments to prices, such as raising them all by 5%.

Only users with Manager or Administrator role add or edit items.

Adding an item

1. Sign in using a web browser

2. Click Items

3. Click +

4. Enter information

An item must have an item number and description.

The cost price is never shown on the iPad, but can be used to calculate your sales prices

Specify whether the item is subject to sales tax

Specify whether price can be adjusted on the iPad by technicians.

5. Click Save