Flat Rate Pricing, also known as Menu-based pricing, is widely used in the Plumbing, HVAC and Electrical trades in the USA.
Flat rate pricing is used to give customers a quote for service before the work has begun.
This is accomplished by computing an overall price for the service, using national averages for parts costs, estimated labor hours + mark-up for overhead and operating costs.
If you would like to have a flat rate price book in ServicePal, we can support you three different ways.
1. If you have an existing flat rate price book, you can import it, using the Items import from Excel feature.
2. You can use a Profit Rhino price book with ServicePal.
3. You can use The New Flat Rate price book with ServicePal.
Common for all choices, is that you decide how to display your prices. In the image above, the prices labels are 'Standard", "Premium" and "Value".
See the article "How to configure my price labels"