A job can be created or scheduled from the iPad app calendar. Or, a job can be created or scheduled from the office web app calendar by an office manager or dispatcher, for example. The office web app calendar has an advantage over the iPad app calendar in that it allows drag-and-drop scheduling / re-scheduling as well as geo mapping of Unscheduled jobs and Overdue jobs; this helps the dispatcher have a clearer visual view of where the jobs are located relative to each other on a map, so that the service routes that your field technicians have to drive are more optimal.

This link takes you to the part of the 45-minute demo animation video Pt-1 that shows how to create / schedule / dispatch a job in the office web app calendar.

The screenshots below show how Unscheduled and Overdue jobs can be drag-and-drop scheduled into the calendar.

This link explains how to set up your Job Status choices in your Settings > Lists tab.